Zero returns on Eartec Headsets

As you may recall we announced back in June that we have taken on the Eartec range of headsets. Since their launch we have now supplied many hundreds of these headsets to our resellers and we are delighted to say, the feed back has been great and we have had zero units returned.

We think this is a real testament to the quality of these headsets and we are therefore delighted to let you know that if you have not yet tried an Eartec headset or have any opportunities on the go we will be happy to supply a sample on a sale or return basis. Just contact Anna or Gavin on 01484 840048 or email us at

More information on Eartec headsets can be found on website here:
and we also have our compatibility guide here:
This will guide you through which bottom cables are required to make any Eartec headset compatible with your IP phone.