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Channel Live

5 Reasons to Visit ProVu at Channel Live!

Channel Live is quickly approaching and we’re gearing up for what’s set to be the Channel’s biggest event of 2017. Here’s 5 reasons to visit us at the show.

Channel Live Man

  1. We’ll be demonstrating our online portal, ProSys and how we can automatically provision and remotely manage VoIP hardware.
  2. Algo will be joining us for the first time on our stand with a range of their visual and audio equipment.
  3. You could win a Gigaset CL750A Sculpture handset and see a selection of Gigaset’s DECT solutions.
  4. Sangoma will be running incentives for their partner program and exhibiting a range of their products.
  5. Snom will be showcasing some of their newest, yet to be launched products.


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