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Reduce costs with Voltage Optimisation

Did you know there’s more to Fidelity Energy than just selling energy? They offer a range of services designed to help businesses use less energy, save money, and reduce their carbon footprint, meeting sustainability goals. These initiatives can help you to support your customers in achieving their sustainability goals and can also be a good route to initiate business before their existing energy contract is up for renewal. Over the coming weeks, we’re going to be taking a look at each of these sustainable services; first up is Voltage Optimisation.

Why Voltage Optimisation?

UK appliances typically need 220 volts to operate efficiently, but the average voltage supplied by the National Grid is 242 volts, with peaks up to 261 volts! By optimising the voltage supply to electrical equipment, businesses can reduce their energy consumption by up to 19%. This excess voltage not only wastes energy but also shortens the lifespan of a business’s devices. Voltage optimisation (VO) is a transformer-based technology which optimises the incoming supply from the national grid to match the voltage required by equipment at your customers; organisation.

How It Works:

1.Initial Assessment

Fidelity Energy will send a plug-in voltage tester to your customer’s site. Once received, they will need to simply plug it into any power socket, take a photo of the voltage reading, and send it back to Fidelity Energy, along with pictures of the fuse board, electricity meter, and the surrounding area.


Based on the average voltage supplied by the National Grid, Fidelity Energy will provide you and your customer with an estimated saving and present the expected ROI.


Once approved, a 50% payment is required to order the kit. We’ll set a delivery and installation date, with the final balance due a week before delivery. Fidelity Energy’s qualified technicians will then install and commission the Voltage Optimiser, ensuring everything runs smoothly – you can then benefit from a healthy commission with little effort required.

Real Results:

The cheapest kWh is the one you don’t use. By installing a Voltage Optimiser, businesses can avoid paying for unnecessary electricity and enhance the longevity of their appliances. Let us help you in benefitting from this fully project managed, low touch opportunity; The bigger the ROI for your customers, the higher the margin* you can expect to benefit from.

Hotel Example

A hotel with an annual consumption of nearly 3 million kWh saw significant savings with the installation of 7 VO units.

School Example

A school using 678,297 kWh annually achieved substantial cost reductions with 3 meters and 11 VO units.

Get in Touch!

Keen to learn how you can start to help your customers to save on wasted energy? Get in touch today, our friendly team along with Fidelity Energy are here to help you every step of the way. Call us on 01484 840048 or email for an impartial discussion on becoming an energy reseller with ProVu & Fidelity Energy.

Get in touch

*Margin is calculated at the project planning stage and will vary depending on the size of the deployment.