A Back UP(S) For Remote Working

According to the ONS, it’s reported that around 44% of workers in the UK work either at home or in a hybrid environment. Many companies have invested in their hardware to support this shift over the last few years. But what happens when there’s a power outage?

At the time of writing this, there were 37 power outages in the North of England* alone. For those working remotely, this could result in:

UPS supporting Hybrid Working
  • A loss of internet connection, resulting in a lack of online presence
  • Team members unable to answer important calls
  • Hours of working time lost
  • The loss of unsaved work

The reality is that power outages cost businesses money.

Avoid Downtime With A UPS

UPS devices offer an ideal solution for those looking to minimise the disruption caused by a loss of power and to protect equipment from overvoltage and act as surge protection. Available for around 40% of the cost of a mid-range handset, they’re a worthwhile investment to ensure business continuity for remote workers.

Meet The Range…

VI 650 SB

VI 600 STL

VI 2200 STL

Supports the Connection of 2 x 3-Pin UK power outlets

Up to 1 hour battery back-up*

Supports the Connection of 3 x 3-pin UK power outlets

Up to 2 hours battery back-up*

Supports the Connection of 4 x 3-pin UK power outlets

Up to 4 hours battery back-up*

Discover the PowerWalker Range

Speak to a member of our expert team today to discuss your projects. We can help to ensure the devices quoted will meet your customers’ requirements. Call us on 01484 840048 or email contact@provu.co.uk.

*Figure obtained from Northern Powergrid’s website 5th May 2023.

**The UPS devices we currently offer are suitable for low power devices. For connecting devices with a larger power consumption, please speak with a member of our team.