Improved accounts information in ProSys

We have made improvements to the way you can access and view your account information on ProSys. As part of our ongoing improvements to the systems and tools we make available for our customers, users are now able to view some key account information on from their online account.

Information available:

  • Credit information including limit, terms and balance
  • Current statement with a list of all outstanding invoices, credits and payments on account
  • List of your invoices for the last 90 days

Login in to ProSys and follow the link ‘Your accounts information’ to view your information.

Securing your account
We understand this information can be sensitive and you may not want all your ProSys users to access this information. Talk to us about who should see this information and to get your accounts team set up with log in details.

Tell us what you think
We’d love your feedback! Feedback helps us to make our systems even better for you and we would be very grateful for any comments, problems and suggestions you have on how we could improve ProSys in the future to best suit your needs.

Did you know? You are able to pull a list of your invoices and credits for the last 60 days using our Invoice API. This API returns a JSON document and is useful data if you want to integrate directly with your accounting software or if you would like to output the data in your own system.