ProVu are receiving a lot of of enquiries about our new ProSys phone provisioning and management system.
Some common questions and answers below.
already run an in-house database for quoting and splitting e-commerce
orders to the current best price/stock suppliers.
This bit is easy
Using your prosys username and password.
in doing so. If we need to do this in order to take advantage of
provisioning then this wouldn’t be an issue.
You don’t need to use XML ordering from day 1. You can just place the orders manually using the online order form.
We can also test your first few orders here before the phones get shipped to makesure everything is working properly.
either have the unit shipped to us first or go out to site to configure new phones. Is this what your provisioning service is about?
Yes. this is exactly what the system is designed to do. You place the order (manually or automatically using XML) including the delivery address and SIP details. We ship the phone to your end user with the configuration details ready to go and branded like it came from you.
So that is provisioning.
The next bit is phone management, which is for phones after they have been deployed. You can edit settings and view diagnostics on phones deployed onsite.