Shine Brighter with Solar Solutions

Did you know there’s so much more to Fidelity Energy than just selling energy? Offering a range of services designed to help businesses save money, use less energy, and reduce their carbon footprint, all while meeting sustainability goals. These initiatives can support your customers in achieving their green objectives and can also be a great way to initiate business before their existing energy contracts are up for renewal.

We first touched on how Voltage Optimisation can save your customers money and use less energy, this week we’ll be taking a closer look at Solar PV Systems.

Making Solar PV a Reality?

Solar PV systems offer an incredible opportunity for businesses to generate their own energy, reduce their electricity bills, and enhance their sustainability credentials. When set up correctly, a solar PV installation can reduce energy bills by up to 40% in the first year alone. This not only provides substantial savings but also significantly reduces grid dependency, making the transition to renewable energy both smooth and profitable, with an average commission of up to 10%*. Here’s how Fidelity Energy makes it a reality:

The first step is for Fidelity Energy to understand your client’s business operations, energy usage, and long-term objectives. Once they have this information, they produce a tailored system proposal that highlights potential savings, payback terms, and the impact on their carbon footprint.

Fidelity Energy doesn’t just propose the largest system possible. Instead, they provide designs that offer the best return based on actual usage, ensuring maximum efficiency and savings for your clients. This means they get a system perfectly suited to their needs.

Once a sustainable system is agreed upon, Fidelity Energy handles all communication with the district network operator (DNO), ensuring a smooth and hassle-free integration. Fidelity Energy’s goal is to complete installations with minimal disruption to daily business operations.

Generating Your Energy: A Powerful Partnership

When your clients generate their energy, they start reaping the monetary gains immediately. They gain complete control over their generation with real-time analysis, enjoy significantly lower energy bills, and boost their green business credentials.

Choosing Fidelity Energy for Solar PV Installation

Here are some of the unique benefits of partnering with Fidelity Energy:

  • Flexible Funding Options: From roof improvements to multi-site installations.
  • Integrated Technologies: Including EV charging and voltage optimisation.
  • Data-Driven Proposals: Tailored to your client’s operations and priorities.
  • Expert Design and Installation Over 20 years of renewable technology experience.
  • Shared Marketing Assets: Promote your clients’ sustainability initiatives.
  • Long-Term Partnership: Supporting your clients from installation to a net-zero future.

Fidelity Energy believes that the cost savings and eco-benefits of solar PV should be accessible to all businesses. Fidelity Energy is here to make a daunting task manageable, helping you and your customers achieve their strategic and financial goals.

Get in Touch!

Keen to learn how you can start to help your customers to save on wasted energy? Get in touch today, our friendly team along with Fidelity Energy are here to help you every step of the way. Call us on 01484 840048 or email for an impartial discussion on becoming an energy reseller with ProVu & Fidelity Energy.

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