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Aastra Promotion – buy 10 and get 1 FREE

Aastra PromoHere at ProVu, we have been working closely with Aastra and are pleased to announce this fantastic offer to you

Through the month of July we are able to offer you a BUY 10 GET 1 FREE offer on the following phones:

There is no limit to the number of offers you can purchase.

To place your order and for more information please contact a member of the sales team on 01484 840048

ProTalk SIP Door Intercom with Broadsoft platform

Recently, we have successfully completed interop testing of the ProTalk SIP door unit with Broadsoft platform (not broadsoft certified).

Here is a quick how-to guide to configure ProTalk SIP door unit with Broadsoft Server.

Firstly, the firmware on the door unit has to be on VoIP version: 1.99.2. To check the firmware version, web browse to door unit and click on Service page.

Then set the device as follows:

  • SIP Proxy Server Address : (provided by server provider)
  • SIP Proxy Server Port : 5060
  • SIP Registrar Server Address : (provided by server provider)
  • SIP Registrar Server Port : 5060
  • Outbound proxy Address : IP address of outbound proxy server(provided by server provider)
  • Outbound proxy Port : 5060

Secondly, enter the user details. User name part is the only bit that is tricky. To get the username for door phone, look for “Line port” field under device configuration. Line port setting should be something like You only need to put name part of sip uri i.e. abc123_321 as username. Finally enter password and authentication password and press save changes to register the device. Click here to see a snapshot showing require Broadsoft server user details.

This should allow you to make and receive calls from Door unit.

For more information on ProTalk range click here

ProTalk SIP door unit now support Broadsoft platform

We are delighted to announces that the New ProTalk firmware support integration with Broadsoft platform.

For more information please contact a member of ProVu staff at 01484840048 or look at our website for ProTalk Range .

End of an Era – last Snom360

Today ProVu shipped the last black Snom 360.


We first shipped this product in March 2005, giving a product life of 6 years.

Snom360 was probably the first really good VoIP phone, with a decent DSP and handset to match. It has lived through 6 major versions of Snom firmware.

The product has been on notice of withdrawal for around a year. It has still sold strongly, but we have finally run out. The range is a little crowded with snom320 just below and snom370 just above.

If you do still want a Snom360, we have 5 white units still in stock – first come first served.

For alternatives, then buy a Snom320 or a Snom370


Article published by Maarten Kronenburg from Pika technologies. View the original article

“Sometimes I enter the office of a customer and just FEEL it – something’s brewing. A few weeks ago I was in the office of Provu in Northern England (, and “that atmosphere” was in the air. Laptop computers were installed when I came in, the PIKA WARP Appliance fired up – it wasn’t going to be a meeting around a table with a firm agenda.

Provu sells software called SARK. The people from Provu had a demo ready for me of their SARK software running on the PIKA WARP Appliance. The Provu people have spent a fair bit of time on the subject which explains why they were excited. Their software is available in various configurations of course and the smallest one is now almost converted to the PIKA WAR Appliance. And I was blown away; the feature set of their software is very, very broad, the software is responsive, the screens look good, wow, very, very professional.

But what I liked best is the remote management facility that the SARK PBX offers. The unit can be accessed by a control room for a sanity check, performance measurement and more. But you can also click through to every IP device connected to the PBX and do the same thing. This is what I call “Controlled Devices”!

So if ever you don’t want to spend the (wo)man-years on developing software at this level of sophistication you’re in good hands at Provu.”

Find out more about the SARK 500

Recommended replacement products

Recently we have added lots of new items to our product portfolio but have also had to say goodbye to some old ones too.

A lot of the items do not have a direct replacement from the manufacturers, so here is a guide to our recommended replacements:

Discontinued products Recommended replacements
Gigaset C47 Gigaset C59H
Gigaset C475IP Gigaset C59H and Gigaset N300 AIP
Gigaset S68 Gigaset S79H
Gigaset S685IP Gigaset S79H and Gigaset N300 AIP
Gigaset HC450 ProTalk SIP doorphones
Cisco SPA-901 Cisco SPA-301G
Cisco SPA-921 Cisco SPA-303G
Cisco SPA-922 Cisco SPA-502G
Cisco SPA-941 Cisco SPA-303G
Cisco SPA-942 Cisco SPA-504G
Cisco SPA-962 Cisco SPA-525G2
Cisco SPA-525G Cisco SPA-525G2
snom M3 snom M9*

As these are not direct replacements some of the features may vary. Please check out the product information pages to make sure the items have all the features you need.

* Please note the snom M9 handset is not fully compatible with the snom M3 base and vice versa

Aastra Wireless Headset

I have been testing Aastra 67xx series phones with Jabra GN9120 wireless handset for last couple of weeks and can only say one thing about it “awesome”.

Using this cable allow to answer and terminate telephone calls using the headset, while being away from the desk. Incoming calls are also signalled in the headset earpiece. And you can easily transfer the call from the handset to headset or other way round by just pressing single button.


For more information about the product click here

Snom announce they are Microsoft approved with Snom 821 for OCS 2007 RC2

The snom 821 is now approved for use with Microsoft OCS 2007 RC2. This joins their other approved phone, the snom 300.

The snom 821 OCS edition will be on display from March 8-9 at UCEXPO in London, United Kingdom (Booth 717).

Read more from snom Channel UK: snom 821 Executive Phone Achieves Microsoft Office Communications Server Qualification in Microsoft’s Compatible Device Program